A case study carried out as part of the wider CORPO project to re-imagine the sites of social housing within Dublin’s inner city. There are 13 blocks of housing in the immediate vicinity, built between the 1920’s and 1960’s. This project addresses the condition of the ground plane around and between the blocks – empty, dysfunctional remainder streets, lack of play and park areas, security fencing, run-down lock-up structures, etc.
On lands which are already in Dublin City Council ownership, the proposal seeks to extinguish unnecessary former streets, limit vehicle access and replace this with increased pedestrianised space for the residents, along with improved social amenities suck as new lock-up structures, playgrounds, storage facilities and outdoor sports areas. The case study forms part of a continuous ring of publicly-owned lands which can be converted to housing uses, linked by an uninterrupted pedestrian route, and connecting with other parks, green spaces, local schools and hospitals.